FAQ: Microblading

  • How long does microblading last?

    Everyone is different, the pigment will fade over time and I recommend you get an annual touch up to keep them looking their best. You may need a touch up yearly, and some clients require an every 3 month touch up. Many factors influence how long it will last, such as oily skin, skin products, exposure to UV rays, smoking,….etc. If you have previous permanent makeup the color retention may be poor. If you have extremely oily skin this may NOT work well for you.

  • Does microblading hurt?

    This is designed to be a gentle procedure with minimal discomfort. The degree of discomfort will depend on several factors including pain threshold, location of treatment, etc. In the beginning you will feel a scratching feeling. I use two numbing creams, once the cream is absorbed, you will have very little feeling.

  • Is microblading safe?

    I use only sterile disposable instruments. This means that everything used on each client is discarded safely afterwards. I thoroughly make sure my work area is disinfected.

  • What is the microblading healing process like?

    It is normal to experience minimal swelling and redness immediately following your procedure. This usually subsides within an hour or two. The first week following your treatment your color usually appears darker than how it will appear once it is healed. Around week 2, the skin naturally sheds and exfoliates. During weeks 4-8 when the skin completes healing, you will see the pigment become a little more visible. The touch up appointment approximately 8 weeks after your initial appointment is necessary in order to achieve the richness of color and density in the shape.

  • Am I a good candidate for microblading?

    Most people are. Some things that may disqualify you are antiviral medications (ask about timing), or those suffering from especially eily skinc eczema, psoriass, or dermatitis. Additionally, anyone with a sunburn should not move forward with their microblading procedure.

    If you are going on vacation less than a month after your procedure, message me before booking!

  • What medicaitions or medical conditions would disqualify me from getting microblading?

    Accutane, botox, antivirals might interfere.

    If you have a thyroid condition, Graves disease, and Hashimoto’s and currently take medication for the above have thicker skin which makes the tattooing process very difficult.

    Autoimmune - Even more seriously, if you have an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, alopecia, or frontal fibrosing alopecia (MS, RA etc.), it is again you will be not a good candidate for Microblading due to your compromised skin health cause by this disorder.